Dobbs Family Picture

This picture was taken on the occasion of CEW Dobbs' 65th birthday in 1905. It was the first time that all of the family members had been together in many, many years. It was taken in Georgia.

Seated from left to right: Gilbert Charles Dobbs, Rev. Dr. Charles Edwin Willoughby Dobbs, Willoughby Barrett Dobbs

Standing from left to right: Clarence Hull Dobbs, Florence Hull Dobbs(2nd wife), Charles Dobbs, Leslie Edwin Dobbs, Ann Elizabeth Dobbs.

Dobbs DNA Project

Contact Stan Bevers at and see the website www.ftdna/public/dobbs and blog entry below labeled DNA Project.

The Family Genealogist and Story Keeper

My photo
College Park, Maryland, United States
My mission is to find all the descendants of Kedar Dobbs, our Revolutionary War Soldier Ancestor. My genealogy investigations have taken me from New England to Spokane, down through California and into Texas, Utah, around Kentucky and Indiana, and in my own back yard, Washington D.C., Baltimore, and Richmond, Va. I have talked to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th cousins all over the country and celebrate each and every one because we are an interesting and dynamic bunch. My place in our genealogical family is this: Rosemary Dobbs, George Whipple Dobbs, Jr., George Whipple Dobbs, Sr., Charles Dobbs, CEW Dobbs, William Drewery Dobbs, Willoughby Dobbs, Kedar Dobbs.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Virus Genealogicus

This quote was forwarded to me by Randy Seaver and appeared in a blog belonging to Adauto de Andrade. It's a great description of how genealogists feel about our work. When I cut and pasted into this blog, the Portuguese came with it, thus providing you with a language lesson as well. Enjoy.

Yes, this is something crazy.

É um hobbie que não tem fim. It is a hobbie that has no end.

Mas não tem como explicar. But is not explain.

A esse respeito, do muito que já li em diversos textos e obras me identifiquei com o posicionamento do Padre Reynato Breves, no artigo Novas Revelações da Genealogia, publicado no Jornal da Cidade, de Barra do Piraí, em sua edição de 12 de setembro de 1998. In that respect, much of which already have read in various texts and works I identified with the position of Father Reynato brief, Article New Disclosure of Genealogy, published in the Journal of the City of Barra do Piraí, in its edition of September 12, 1998.

Diz o seguinte: It says:

Há pessoas que não apreciam ‘Genealogia’, não se interessam por saber quem é seu avô, bisavô ou trisavô; não querem saber de onde vêm, quais são os seus ascendentes. There are people who do not enjoy 'Genealogy', is not interested in knowing who is his grandfather, great grandfather or trisavô; not want to know where they come from, what are their ancestors.

Ora, a Genealogia é a Ciência da nossa racionalidade, da marca indelével das nossas origens; diz de onde viemos, diz quem somos, diz quais são as nossas raízes, mostra-nos a nossa importância. However, the Genealogy is the science of our rationality, the indelible mark of our origins, says of where we come from, says about us, says what are our roots, shows us our importance.

A Genealogia exige paciência, perseverança e intercâmbio, mostra a necessidade da comunicação com outros Genealogistas e causa grandes surpresas e grandes emoções. The Genealogy requires patience, perseverance and exchange, shows the need of communication with other Genealogistas and causes great surprises and big emotions.

Enfrenta grandes obstáculos, terríveis barreiras, surpreendentes interrogações. Faces major obstacles, terrible barriers, surprising questions.

A Genealogia é uma paixão e quem nela entra dela não sai mais. The Genealogy is a passion and who do not enter it comes out more.

A Genealogia é amor; amor aos antepassados. The Genealogy is love, love the ancestors.

A Genealogia é gratidão; gratidão aos que nos antecederam nesta vida. The Genealogy is gratitude; gratitude to those who preceded us in this life.

A Genealogia é memória imperecível. The Genealogy is imperecível memory.

A Genealogia quase se confunde com a Heráldica. The Genealogy almost be mistaken for the Heraldry.

A Genealogia atesta a importância de uma Família. The Genealogy shows the importance of a Family.

A Genealogia é como o Livro; conserva a memória das gerações passadas contra a tirania do tempo e contra o esquecimento dos homens, que ainda é a maior tirania, e enaltece as gerações hodiernas. The Genealogy is like the Green; retains the memory of past generations against the tyranny of time and against the neglect of men, which is still the greatest tyranny, and brings the generations hodiernas.

A Genealogia move os ânimos e causa grandes efeitos. The Genealogy move the very souls and cause large effects.

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